This Weekend is TAC Road Safety Round

Thursday 18 July 2024

Whether it’s on field or off, team success relies on talk. And in the fight against speeding, it’s even more crucial.

The Monash Blues take road safety seriously and encourage our members, families and friends to do their bit to help get the road toll towards zero. 

When it comes to road safety, we all have a role to play.

💭 Did you know:

  • Speed remains one of the biggest factors in crashes on Victorian roads, contributing to more than 30% of crashes.
  • Driving as little as 5km/h less can significantly reduce your chances of having a crash and the severity of injury if you have one. It can mean the difference between death and serious injury and avoiding a crash altogether.

🚘 Stay safe on the road, stick to the speed limits and #playyourrole.

Smart players drive safely. Show up for your team by slowing down on the road.